Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Second Chapter - Nata Georgison by Bring It On, All Or Nothing

Nata walked gracefully out of her daddy's gold private jet towards the limo that was waiting for her. She crawled in while her driver, Jeeves, threw in her luggage. She pulled out a Swedish luxury chocolate bar, her secret obsession, and began munching. It didn't matter how much she ate, she wouldn't gain a pound. Her perfect model's physique seemed nearly permanent.
"Off to the condo, please." Nata said, drawling out the E in Please with her sexy Spanish accent.
"Of course, Miss Georgison ...." Jeeves said.
Everyone knew Nata was the richest out of the Gorgies, but she never showed it. She hated all the attention she got from being rich.
The limo halted to a stop in front of Nata's small and cozy condo, that belonged to her and only her, finally, her parents decided she was mature enough to have her own place. Her parents decided to stay back in Spain, Nata's native country. Nata had stayed in Spain for the past few years, at a school that Heidi had gone to for a year. That's how they became friends. They had met their other friends, Geena and Vera, at a different school back in Moscow. They had all been going to different schools, usually boarding schools, ever since the 3rd grade. But anyway, Nata had been going to the Spanish School of Modeling since the 5th grade. Now they were all in 9th grade, and all their parents had agreed to let them go to their first day school in 6 years.
Of course, there were paparazzi lined up by Nata's condo door. Nata's driver pushed them aside and opened the door to the condo. It was themed JUST the way Nata wanted it: Vintage 1950's. Nata loved it. She ran up to her bedroom, it was absolutely stunning; the interior designers got every detail right, even right down to the gold trim on the pale pink curtains. Nata loved it. She almost forgot about Heidi's demand- until her leopard Blackberry started buzzing off the hook...
"I'm coming, I'm coming." Nata said, reapplying her favorite shade of nude rose gloss, and checking her mirror again. She batted her eyelashes innocently. All the guys loved it when she did that. She smacked her lips together. Mwah! She looked gorgeous. She strutted out back onto the street, gave the paparazzi a cheerful wave, and stepped back into the white limo. Jeeves asked her,
"To where, Miss Georgison?"
"Ah, to the Plaza please!" Nata said. She hadn't been to the Plaza in forevs. They drove off and pulled up at the Plaza hotel. Nata jumped out, air kissed Jeeves and walked in, hopping in the elevator and pressed the PH button. Soon I arrived at the "Grande Suite" and knocked on the door-
"Nata!!!!!" Heidi squealed, and air kissed Nata before pulling her into one of her famous Heidi-Hugs. Nata hugged her back. They ran into her room, when she saw her other friends, Geena and Veronica.
"GiGi! Vera!" She squealed, just like Heidi had when she saw Nata. They all gave each other a giant three person hug. They all gossiped about the past years they've all missed. Then they started talking about the suite they were in and the party they were about to have and the boys they were about to have fun with...
"Shoot!" Nata thought, as they started talking about the boys they invited. For the 42nd time in an hour, she whipped out her Leopard Blackberry and speed dialed her two best guy friends in NYC. Its a good thing her parents had such great connections, or else she would have never been able to get these guys to show up. They both said yes, thankfully, and Nata sighed.
"Nata, something wrong?" Vera asked, her face puzzled. Vera was the problem solver of the group.
"Oh, no, not at all. I just had to call up some guys to ask them to the party. I totally blanked on that." Nata admitted, as the other 3 girls started to crack up.
"What's so funny?" Nata said, feeling left out. Nata hated feeling left out.
"Oh, nothing. We all had, a little bet..." Heidi said, and then had a laughing fit.
"About...?" Nata asked, looking around at her small group of besties.
Geena explained. "Heidi and I had a little bet. She bet that you would forget to invite some guys. I bet that you would remember. Thanks for my loss of 500$, Nata." Geena said, wrinkling her nose. Everyone started laughing again. Tonight was going to be a night to remember.... Nata thought, as she began to laugh with the girls.

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